CLARK, Pampanga — The Bases Conversion and Development Authority (BCDA) and subsidiary Clark International Airport Corporation (CIAC) signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) Tuesday with the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), through its 51st Engineering Brigade and 355 Aviation Engineer Wing of the Philippine Air Force (PAF), for the construction of an 11.8-kilometer patrol road worth P70 million at Clark in preparation for the 31st ASEAN Summit and Related Meetings.
Under the agreement, the AFP through the AFP Corps of Engineers will provide the manpower, labor, and the general construction equipment and tools construction of the Patrol Road.
Meanwhile, CIAC will be in charge of the detailed engineering design and shall determine the period of completion of the said project. For its part, BCDA will ensure the proper, smooth, and timely implementation of the project.
BCDA will also procure materials, supplies, and services, including petroleum, oil and lubricants from the nearest gasoline station to the construction site, and all other equipment, spare parts and services needed in the implementation of the project. The patrol road will also serve as a long-term solution to strengthen security measures in the Clark International Airport.