CIAC to employees: We are all in this together, no one will be left behind

In light of the take over of airport’s operation and maintenance (O&M) this year, the Clark International Airport Corp. (CIAC) Management assures its employees of a just, fair and lawful severance package and a retire-rehire option.

No one will lose their job as those who will be affected will be absorbed and prioritized for hiring by the new (O&M) private consortium.

The CIAC management will work towards ensuring job security or the option of an attractive severance package for all personnel who will be affected. All the hardwork and efforts of employees will be duly acknowledged and properly compensated.

We reiterate our empathy with the sentiments of airport workers. In fact, there is an ongoing labor mediation and negotiations facilitated by the National Conciliation and Mediation Board to peacefully iron out the differences and ensure a smooth transition.

We humbly ask for the patience and understanding of concerned individuals and groups, and we hope these assurances will assuage the sentiment vote held last week by rank and file employees.

Further, allow us to clarify that the CIAC management, or any of its personnel, have never coerced nor intimidated union members, as it truly adheres to freedom of expression.

Meanwhile, we assure the public that while these issues are being settled, airport operations will remain efficient and unhampered, and the safety and security of the riding public will always be of utmost priority.

Thank you.

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