Dear Editor:


Do the generation of today still care about EDSA People Power Revolution? Do they still commemorate it as memorable as it was like in the past years? Is it still considered an important event for the youth, nowadays? Is EDSA People Power still in the hearts and minds of the Filipino people?

In Philippine history, February 25 is an important date especially to those who witnessed the People Power Revolution. It is the biggest revolution in the history not involving guns and bullets. It is also the time when the Philippines has exercised its freedom and fought for democracy.

But, does the event really fought for our democracy against a dictator government? Or is it only a cover- up of those behind the bloodless revolution? That they only want to introduce another form of government which is the communist government rather than a democratic government?

Many presidents have passed but still the same old problems/ issues are being raised by the people who want what they call “real change”. The truth is, the presidents are not the real problem, they are just using the current administration to take down the government and that all they want is they will be the new government, they want to rule the country with their communist government.

If they really want a government that listens to them, why wouldn’t they agree with the government? Why is it that every time that the government would want to meet their conditions, there is always “buts”? “But it should be this way”, “But it should be like this”, “But we want this and that”. Because their intention is not for the Filipino people, but for their own selfish interests only.

The real intention of the EDSA People Power Revolution is to value and protect democratic rights of every Filipino but in our case today, I don’t think it is being pursued because there are people that has already destroyed our democracy and the democracy that everyone is looking forward to is slowly fading away. Nobody seems to recognize the true essence of People Power, anymore. Some are just using People Power to deceive their fellow Filipino.

In the first place, aren’t we still a democratic country? Aren’t the Filipinos satisfied yet with what our government is? Being democratic. The Filipinos can still express their wishes in a democratic manner. We, Filipinos, can still voice out our opinions freely especially thru the use of social media. What kind of democracy do we really want? The democracy to destroy the government and have no respect for its Constitution, anymore?

Marion O Santos, Casiguran, Aurora

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