CLARK FREEPORT — One of the world’s top avionics system developers from
the United States catering to various aircraft manufacturers in the world is now operating inside this Freeport.
Performance Software Philippines Corporation, with a primary business to develop critical software for the aerospace and medical industries, signed a lease agreement with Clark Development Corporation (CDC) last June.
Performance Software President Scott Ziebarth said the firm specializes in developing real-time embedded avionics systems and full life cycle certifiable software solutions used in specific airborne systems.
The firm is also experienced in developing systems in accordance with other safety-critical avionics guidelines and standards, including Boeing and other types of aircraft.
The firm’s head office is located in Arizona, USA, and with satellite offices in Tampa Bay, Clearwater, Grand Rapids, New Orleans, and Waukesha, all in the US.
During his interview over ‘Clark in Action,’ CDC’s public affairs program, Ziebarth said his firm is among the most experienced software developers in the aerospace and avionics programs.
He said some of the Filipino software engineers now working in Clark were previously sent to the US for training, while experienced engineers from the US continuously train and develop local engineers in the avionics software development.
At present, the firm has 13 Filipino software engineers and is expected to increase his employees early next year, Ziebarth said.
He said it took him 3 years to decide on his plan to expand overseas and the Philippines was his number one choice because of the trainability of the software engineers in the country.
The firm is also into software development for medical devices in the US.