Clark Development Corporation: Harnessing In-House IT Prowess for Enhanced Ease of Doing Business

In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, the integration of information systems within government-owned and controlled corporations has become an imperative for operational success.

At the forefront of this digital transformation is the Clark Development Corporation (CDC), an organization entrusted with the development and management of the Clark Freeport Zone—a pivotal economic hub in the Philippines. As calls for a more streamlined and cost-effective approach to information systems grow louder, CDC finds itself at a critical juncture. In this column, I would like to share the impressive array of information systems and programs developed by CDC’s in-house IT division. These innovations are not only revolutionizing the way CDC operates but are also saving millions of pesos while aligning seamlessly with the organization’s overarching goals.

Sanitary Permitting System. The Sanitary Permitting System is a web-based application designed to facilitate the efficient issuance and monitoring of sanitary permits for our locators. The system functions through an intuitive online portal, enabling businesses and individuals to apply for and receive necessary permits while ensuring compliance with CDC’s standards. By digitizing and automating the permitting process, the system drastically reduces administrative burdens, minimizes errors, and expedites the approval timeline.

Order of Payment Issuance System. Order of Payment Issuance System aims to centralize, streamline, and automated the issuance of orders of payment, with the aim of increased efficiency, reduced errors, and improved transparency. The system is now being utilized by the Trade Facilitations Division (TFD), Health and Sanitation Division (HSD) and the Bureau of Fire Protection Division (BFPD) and shall be deployed to the entire organization upon the completion of the enhancements that we are currently incorporating.
OP Document Management System. The implementation of the Document Management System developed by Bryan Baraquiel was initiated to address several critical challenges that the Office of the President faced in document handling.

The system was also custom-designed to align with the OP’s specific workflows and protocols and includes a role-based access control system, advanced search and retrieval capabilities, an audit trail feature and a user-friendly interface.

The CDC Revenue Monitoring System, which was developed by Paul Dexter Bacani of ITD has significantly contributed to the effective monitoring of CDC’s revenue shares from commercial locators. This system represents a major milestone in our efforts to streamline revenue tracking, enhance transparency, and maximize revenue generation.

The CDC Revenue Monitoring System was developed in response to the growing complexity of managing revenue shares from commercial locators in Clark. Prior to its implementation, tracking and monitoring revenue from locators was a challenging and time-consuming process, which led to possible revenue leakages and a lack of real-time insights. As a result of the applications’ implementation, there has been a 43% increase in revenues.

Linking with the Bureau of Immigration’s Database. The integration of the Bureau of Immigration’s database with CDC’S homegrown Electronic VISA Implementation System for Aliens (eVISA system) is a significant enhancement in terms of public safety and security. BI’s database is now linked real-time with CDC’S eVISA system. With just a few clicks, CDC will now be able to verify if an individual has a derogatory record, enabling more accurate identification of individuals who may pose a risk to the community.

Enhancements to both the Immigration and CDC’s systems are also anticipated in the next few months. These enhancements shall further strengthen the monitoring and screening capabilities of Clark Development Corporation. The linking was made possible through the efforts of system developers Wendell Guina and Paul Bacani.

The iClark Mobile Application. Launched on July 10, 2023. the iClark Mobile Application is a versatile and comprehensive navigation aid and tourism application designed specifically for Clark. Whether you’re a traveler exploring the area or a local looking for valuable information, the app is your go-to guide for a seamless experience.

iClark boasts the following features: an interactive map that provides real-time navigation assistance where users can easily locate points of interest, hotels, restaurants, and more; detailed information about each tourist attraction and restaurant, including opening hours, ticket prices, historical facts, and more. There is also an events calendar for all upcoming events, festivals, and cultural celebrations in Clark. The iClark Mobile application was developed by ITD-GIS.

Clark Tourism Month Support. The ITD played a pivotal role in the resounding success of Clark Tourism Month in September 2023. The department’s contributions were particularly evident during the Clark Bike Day festival on September 30th, where the ITD developed cutting-edge applications for seamless registration of participants and the pit stop tagging of bikers during the event. These applications streamlined the event’s logistics, ensuring a smooth experience for participants and organizers alike. ITD also contributed to the successful launch of the Clark Historical Walking and Cycling Tours. This initiative has helped transform the way tourists and history enthusiasts explore our heritage. With the innovative iClark Mobile App, navigating the rich history of Clark has become a breeze, making it easier than ever to discover the hidden gems and stories that our community holds.

CDC Business One Stop Shop (BOSS). ITD played an indispensable role in the triumphant launch of the CDC Business One Stop Shop (BOSS). Their unwavering support included providing robust internet connectivity, essential devices, and comprehensive technical assistance. The ITD remains committed to facilitating a smooth and efficient experience for our locators and stakeholders.

In addition, the efficient management of the CDC network and hardware that support these automation initiatives is a result of team effort ably led by the ITD’s Officer –in-Charge Kristine Lauren Pattaui, with the able support and dedication of Kristopher Cabarle and Michael John Ramos. More automation initiatives and projects shall be expected from the rest of ITD’s talented pool– Mark Jimenez, Nico De Guzman, June Ocampo and Jojo Bingcang – in the coming months. These initiatives are expected to contribute to CDC’s posture as an ideal investment hub.

Cost-Saving Initiatives. The ITD’s dedication to cost-saving initiatives has yielded remarkable results for our corporation. Through skillful negotiations with internet service providers, the ITD has achieved a substantial 19% reduction in costs for our primary and secondary internet connections.

In closing, the remarkable achievements we’ve explored in this editorial are a testament to the unwavering dedication and expertise of the talented individuals within the Information Technology Division (ITD) of the Clark Development Corporation (CDC).

Their creativity, technical prowess, and relentless pursuit of efficiency have undoubtedly paved the way for CDC’s operational success.

Moreover, the inspiring leadership of Atty. Agnes VST Devanadera, as the first woman President and CEO of Clark Development Corporation, has been instrumental in achieving these remarkable feats. Her vision, strategic acumen, and dedication to driving CDC’s digital transformation forward have provided the necessary guidance and direction for the ITD’s initiatives to flourish. Under her leadership, CDC has not only embraced innovation but has thrived in an era of rapid technological change.

This exploration of CDC’s IT innovations and their impact on the ease of doing business within the Clark Freeport Zone recognizes not only the impressive systems and programs but also the incredible individuals and leadership that have made it all possible. Together, they have forged a path towards operational excellence and economic vitality, setting a shining example for government-owned and controlled corporations across the nation. The future holds great promise for CDC, thanks to the remarkable synergy between its IT Division and the visionary leadership of Atty. Agnes VST Devanadera.

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