Persian Avenue now at SM​ ​City Baliwag

When our taste buds need something different after roamingaroundSM City Baliwag, and you hear the word “tortilla wrap or “shawarma”, what comesto mind?​ ​

Crispy greens with​ ​a heaping​ ​serving of beef with special sauce? Or​ ​the hot quiche wrap that goes with it? Whatever it is, surely, a “tortilla wrap” is our go-to meal during our busy shopping experience at SM City Baliwag. When we feel the need to grab a bite but we don’t have enough time to linger on long queues at the fast food joints, this food concept would surely make us all crave for it.

Persian Avenue​ ​has finally opened at the ground level of SM City Baliwag in front of Ambika, with a Mediterranean ambiance, comfy seats and tablesto dine in.

Pure meat filling, no extenders. The meat in the wrapis very hefty and flavorful, meaningthat itiscarefully made and seasoned. They generously place beef into wraps apart from the lettuce and cucumber anddoes not skimp on the ingredients as well.

Fresh Meals. When you take a bite from your tortilla wrap, you’ll be surprised. As per the owner, it was not really intended to be sweet. This only goes to show that when the food item isfresh, then it tends to be sweet.

Taste. The tortilla wrapsaretruly different.They are freshto ​satisfy the taste buds of a famished customer. The taste is proficiently balanced: sweet-smelling, savory and cheesy,that melts in your mouth.The tortilla wrap and the sauce really merge superbly, while the crispylettuce is a great contrast to the meat’s consistency.

The not so beefy customers can also choose the Chicken Pesto Wrap, aunique taste that will definitely​ ​satisfy your cravingswith its moist, tender​ ​meat.

Aside from the wraps, customers can also have a variety of shawarma rice with options of toppings, from beef to chicken to shrimp. Name it and you’ll have it fast and fierce,and fully sumptuous.

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