Tarlac teen karateka set for international debut

Nineteen-year-old Jean Elizabeth Molina Pobre, a second-year Bachelor of Animal Science student at Tarlac Agricultural University, is set to represent the Philippines in the upcoming Karatedo International Tournament in Singapore this November. This marks her debut in the international arena for contact sports.

Jean Elizabeth, a native of Mayantoc, Tarlac, joins the Philippine Karatedo Team as she takes her skills to a higher level. Paniqui Mayor Max Roxas and Vice Mayor Bien Roxas extended their well-wishes, expressing their pride in seeing a local athlete reach global competition.

Vice Governor Bogs Aganon and Board Members Dagul Felix of San Manuel and Win Corpuz of Camiling also sent their encouragement, wishing her a resounding “Good luck.” Jean’s participation is a proud moment for Tarlac, as she brings her dedication and fighting spirit to the global stage.

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