ACAPagibig Music Celebration 2018 “Embracing the True Meaning of Love”

This coming February 14, 2018, the Assessment, Counseling, Alumni and Placement (ACAP) Center in Systems Plus College Foundation, Balibago, Angeles City will be having its 1st Valentine Music Celebration. The occasion will present students from different colleges to render their favorite acoustic love songs, some special numbers from invited singers and musicians, and a program for students to enable them to embrace the true meaning of love.

The objective of the event is to orient about the different languages of love, to elucidate the different kinds of love, to present the several meanings of love and to value the true essence of love. This include topics like:

1. Love is unconditional
2. Love is not a word but an action
3. Love means respect, trust and understanding
4. Love is God and several more…

​The ACAP Center (formerly Guidance and Testing Center) was formed last August 2017 with the mission of holistic education through creative, innovative and dynamic psychological approaches. During the launch of the ACAP Center, strategic programs were added to its artillery for dynamic interventions that would prove to be more efficient compared to traditional approaches in education. One of the principles of the ACAP Center is that music, art and research are essential for holistic education and must be utilized to its maximum potential.

​The advocates of the ACAP Center are:

Irene Gabrielle M. Mungcal, RPm
Abigail B. Wong​​​
Claire Ann P. Capili​​​
Shedy Dee C. Mallari, RPm, LPT
Jose Maria G. Pelayo III, MASD
Ms. Lean Happie L. Bustamante – Executive Vice President

Let us celebrate Valentine’s Day with music, love and education. ACAPagibig 2018 “Embracing the True Meaning of Love”. Happy Hearts Day from the ACAP Center.

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