Aurora State College declares CPP-NPA as ‘persona non grata’

BALER, Aurora — Aurora State College of Technology (ASCOT) declared Wednesday the Communist Party of the Philippines-New People’s Army (CPP-NPA) as persona non grata.

Administration, staff, employees and students crafted Memorandum Order No. 46, series 2020 that formally declares members of the CPP-NPA unwelcome in ASCOT.

“The achievement of peace and security is a shared responsibility of the people and government,” ASCOT President Eutiquio Rotaquio Jr said.

In a statement, 7th Infantry Division Commander Major General Lenard Agustin acknowledged the contribution of the university.

“The declaration made by ASCOT indicates how helpful Executive Order No. 70 or the whole-of-nation approach in attaining genuinely peaceful communities in the country. Only through our strengthened collaboration can the local communist armed conflict be ended,” he added.

For his part, 91st Infantry Battalion Acting Commander Lieutenant Colonel Reandrew Rubio said their unit will continue to work with other stakeholders to ensure that the schools and the province will not be infiltrated by the CPP-NPA and its front groups.

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