When the Lunar Snake Meets Cupid

Just like that, January is packing its bags, and February is knocking on the door, holding…

When you have NOTHING for Christmas

“Christmas means nothing.” This stark statement invites reflection. At first glance, it may seem cynical, dismissive,…

Scandal and Corruption:Ma-RACAL at Ma-SARAp

The noise on social media is deafening. A young, promising actress has found herself in the…

“I’ll be home for Christmas”even when you cannot be home

“One Christmas Eve, everything seemed to go wrong. The roast chicken burned, the dessert didn’t set,…

Finding Peace in Traveling Alone

Traveling alone, especially on road trips, offers a unique sense of liberation, discovery, and peace. Whether…

Finding a Filipino Heart in Thanksgiving

Every fourth Thursday of November, America stops and smells the pumpkin pies, gathers around the turkey,…

Maximizing Rooftops: A Smart Solar and Wind Solution for Philippine Industries

As renewable energy gains momentum, the debate over how to best implement it in the Philippines…

Going around Clark through a publictransportation system: Beep or Jeep

The recent introduction of a cashless payment system for public transportation within the Clark Freeport Zone…

CDC: Redefining Public Transportation in Clark

The Clark Loop Bus Service is transforming the way people travel around the bustling Clark Freeport…

Corruption and Flooding: Human greed and government inefficiency

I was fortunate to be invited to participate in a recent lecture about Corporate Social Responsibility…

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