Following Sir David Attenborough’s incredible five-part natural history series, A Perfect Planet, which premiered on BBC Earth and BBC Player in January, BBC Earth is building on the appetite for more inspiration and tips on caring for the planet with a dedicated Eco Season.Starting every Sunday from 7 February to 28 March, viewers can learn more and be inspired to create everyday change through special programmes scheduled within the Eco Season.
Kicking off the Eco Season is a special episode, Extinction: The Facts. This 60-minute investigation allows viewers to dive deeper into the perils faced by the planet’s delicate forces and species, with Sir David Attenborough at the helm. Viewers can familiarise themselves with the science behind wildlife’s unprecedented rate of decline, extinction’s industrial and man-made causes, the consequences of inaction, and the steps all humans can take to create a healthy new world.
To further share the knowledge with the next generation – who hold the power to effect change and create a better future for themselves – viewers across the Philippines can catch the livestream of Extinction: The Facts for free on BBC Earth’s Facebook page on Saturday 6 February 2021 at 7:30PM (PHT). The livestream, subtitled in English, allows early access for a wider audience via this social media platform, before the BBC Earth linear broadcast on Sunday 7 February at 10.15pm.
Another of BBC Earth’s Eco Season premieres, Feast to Save the Planet (Sunday 28 February, 9pm) fuses food with science to examine how our food choices affect our planet. This insightful new programme takes you behind the scenes at a celebrity dinner party with a twist – as everything the diners eat will be evaluated for its carbon footprint. Food accounts for a third of greenhouse gas emissions, and Feast To Save The Planet reveals the exact carbon footprint of the dishes that five special guests select at this unusual TV dinner.
Viewers who missed A Perfect Planet will also get a chance to enjoy key moments from the series through A Perfect Planet Minisodes. The 5-minute bite-sized minisodes will be exclusively aired throughout the Eco Season from Sunday 7 February at 10pm, allowing audiences to relive the best cinematic moments – rare animals, touching storylines and scientific learnings – from each of the five episodes. Viewers will also be reminded of the devastating impact humanshave on our planet, and what we can do to reverse our actions and restore balance to our fragile ecosystem. An encore telecast of A Perfect Planet will also be aired from Sunday 7 February at 9pm.
Other programmes lined up during the Eco Season include natural history programming icons such as: Blue Planet Revisited; 7.7 Billion People and Counting; Climate Change: The Facts; Drowning in Plastic and more.
For more information, please visit the BBC Earth Eco Season webpage.