Capitol brings aid to Lubao residents

Photos by Pampanga PIO

STA. MONICA, LUBAO – “The Capitol has helped us a lot, especially for mothers like me. Blessings always pour here,” said Cristina Montemayor, a resident of Sta. Monica.

Photos by Pampanga PIO

Montemayor is among the 1,066 beneficiaries from Sta. Monica, Don Ignacio Dimson, and San Jose Apunan who expressed gratitude to Vice Governor Lilia “Nanay” Pineda and Lubao Mayor Esmeralda Pineda for the Capitol sa Barangay program.

Photos by Pampanga PIO

With the support of PDRRMO, PTO, PSWDO, and GSO staff, the program provided cash and food assistance to beneficiaries. Board Members Fritzie David-Dizon, Sajid Eusoof, and others joined the event.

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