Converge donates PPEs to Tarlac

Tarlac City— As part of its corporate social responsibility, major telecommunication and cable television service provider Converge ICT donated 300 units of personal protective equipment (PPEs) to the Provincial Government of Tarlac to boost its efforts to combat the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19).

Converge ICT President and CEO Dennis Anthony Uy turned over the PPEs to Tarlac Governor Susan Yap at the Provincial Capitol today.

Uy said the much-needed PPEs will be distributed to the frontliners in the various hospitals and medical institutions in Tarlac that are attending to patients afflicted with COVID-19.

“The donation is part of the corporate social responsibility of Converge to help the community, particularly those in the frontlines who are sacrificing to fight COVID-19,” Uy said.

He added that the PPE donation is also Converge’s continued support for the government’s efforts to fight the dreaded respiratory disease.

The donation is Converge part of at least 1,800 PPEs that were given to various local government units (LGUs) and hospitals to protect frontliners.

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