CSFP Hosts Successful Education Summit

The Education Summit 2024, held on August 22-23 and attended by 300 sectoral representatives, focused on “Validating EDCOM 2 Findings: Towards An Inclusive and Responsive Education System in the City of San Fernando.” This pivotal event aimed to reinforce the Philippine education system while aligning local initiatives with national objectives.

Key figures, including Mayor Vilma Balle-Caluag, Multi-Sectoral Governance Council (MSGC) officers, DepEd OIC Regional Director Ronnie Mallari, representatives from CHED and the City College of San Fernando, as well as private school representatives, led the summit.

Caluag emphasized the summit’s role in continuing her commitment to improving education, while MSGC Executive Director Sonia Soto highlighted the urgency of addressing the educational crisis. Despite the city’s ₱230 million Special Education Fund, the EDCOM II report reveals systemic issues like inadequate investment and poor management, which the summit aims to confront.

Former Congressman, City Mayor Atty. Oscar Rodriguez, chairperson of the CSFP Education Summit 2024, opened the event with a compelling address that set the tone for the discussions.

The summit’s core objective was to assess and address pressing challenges in the education sector, from early childhood care and development (ECCD) to basic education, higher education, and technical and vocational education and training (TVET).

In a press interview on the second day, Caluag stressed, “Collaborative efforts are essential to make sure educational reforms are effective, sustainable, and focused on instilling good moral values and right conduct among learners. As mayor, I understand that I don’t have all the answers, so I actively seek guidance from experts to ensure our initiatives are well-informed and impactful.”

Dr. Melanie Briones, Vice President for Academic Affairs and International Engagements at the City College of San Fernando, provided a thorough recap of the consolidated workshop outputs, laying the groundwork for subsequent discussions.

A key highlight of the summit was the presentation of the EDCOM II report, followed by a keynote address from Adnan Ahmad, Policy Head of the Education Team, representing Senator Sherwin Gatchalian, Co-Chair of EDCOM II and Chair of the Senate Committee on Basic Education.

In his message, Gatchalian emphasized the summit’s objectives to drive meaningful reforms and improve the quality of basic education nationwide. He underscored the need for a collective approach to tackle educational disparities and enhance learning outcomes across all levels.

“Bullying also remains a significant issue in Philippine education, affecting students’ well-being and academic performance. Despite various anti-bullying policies, many schools struggle with implementation and prevention. Addressing this issue requires a comprehensive approach involving educators, parents, and policymakers to create safer learning environments for all students,” Gatchalian said in a statement.

The summit featured several break-out sessions that allowed participants to delve deeper into specific educational concerns. These sessions were divided into three parallel workshops: assessing ECCD programs, evaluating the quality and accessibility of basic education, and discussing the state of higher education and TVET in the city. The plenary session culminated in the presentation and discussion of each group’s outputs.

Following the workshops, the event transitioned into a town hall session where local sectoral leaders played a crucial role in validating the summit’s findings and recommendations. This interactive session ensured that the proposed solutions were tailored to the unique needs of the community. It also included sectoral responses, where various stakeholders expressed their support for the initiatives discussed and reaffirmed their commitment to advancing education in the region.

The summit concluded with a collective pledge of commitment from all participants, symbolizing a unified effort to implement the educational reforms discussed throughout the event.

Among those who conveyed solidarity messages was the Central Luzon Media Association (CLMA) Pampanga, represented by Board Director Benny Guinto of GNN TV44.

“This summit reflects your commitment to enhancing education and shaping the future of our youth, the foundation of society. The decisions made here will have a lasting impact on San Fernando and beyond.

CLMA Pampanga will amplify the outcomes, believing transparent communication is key to rallying support from all sectors. In these challenging times, it’s encouraging to see San Fernando’s efforts to ensure every learner’s success. We commend all participants and pledge our support through responsible journalism, working together for a brighter, more educated future for Fernandinos and Kapampangans,” Guinto remarked.

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