Legarda on climate change

Senator Loren Legarda, chair of the Senate Committee on Climate Change, delivers her message to the participants of an orientation meeting held at the Senate today, March 16, 2017, with representatives of state universities and colleges dubbed as the “Role of State Universities and Colleges in Local Climate Change Action Plan Formulation and Enhancement.” “The Climate Change Act of 2009 enjoins LGUs to be the frontline agencies in implementing and coordinating with various sectors, including the academe, in the development and implementation of local climate change action plans (LCCAP). The role of state universities and colleges is crucial to fast track the creation of the LCCAP of all cities, municipalities, and provinces in the country. These LCCAPs can be the tools to access grant-based funding from the People’s Survival Fund and international climate funds,” Legarda said. (PRIB Photo by Cesar Tomambo/16 March 2017)

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