LNW Elementary School gets alcohol, school supplies

A group of concerned residents of Lourdes Northwest, Angeles City have donated alcohol and school supplies to the Lourdes Northwest Elementary School on Monday afternoon.

The group led by Nicanor Abelardo Soriano held a consultative meeting with LNWES officials led by Principal Esperanza G. Nabong and teacher Mechelle Halili.

Soriano was accompanied by Percival Canlas, Jesus Pangilinan, and Daniella Marnie Sangalang.

Sangalang said the group donated 360 pieces of alcohol and 270 yellow pads for students. Sangalang said the group led by Soriano sought the needs of students at LNWES and learned they need more reading materials and school supplies.

As part of the “Brigada Eskuwela” program, the group has vowed to provide ample supply of school supplies and reading materials for the students.

Sangalang will also lead the community pantry that will serve LNWES students.

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