Music and Social Media

A new study released Monday (Aug. 6) found that nine out of 10 social media users do a music-related activity within the framework of an app, according to data compiled by research and analysis firm MusicWatch. The data was compiled in April via a survey of 800 people who use one of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Snapchat at least once a month, with the majority of those users engaging with social media daily.

Of particular interest to the music business would be the survey’s consumption metrics findings, with 75 percent of respondents watching a music video; 69 percent listening to music on terrestrial radio; and 35 percent paying for a music streaming subscription. The audience also skewed young, with 36 percent between the ages of 13 and 24; and hip-hop being named the top genre in terms of followers. And artists and musicians top the list among the most-followed influencers and celebrities overall.

“Fame may be fleeting on social media, but music artists and bands have staying power — and influence,” MusicWatch wrote in a blog post accompanying the study. “Of all the types of celebrities artists are No. 1 when it comes to pull. We are twice as likely to be following bands as politicians, or Kendall and Kourtney. The reason is simple; while today’s tweet or fashion comment is evanescent, users have a sustained interest in the careers of their favorite artists and want updates on their music projects, live tours and lifestyles.”

In terms of followings, Instagram leads the way, with 56 percent of users following, sharing or tagging musicians; Twitter came next, with 51 percent; and Facebook saw 44 percent of respondents liking a musician or artist, a number that rises to 47 percent among daily users. Among Snapchat users, meanwhile, 68 percent viewed or posted photos from live music events, while 23 percent captioned their posts with song lyrics.

“Two out of three (63 percent) users agree that they are discovering new artists on social media,” the blog post continues. “Almost 60 percent of social media users are visiting streaming services to listen to music after they see an update, tweet or post. On Facebook, the most valued music activity is being able to share links to music from streaming services, including playlists.”

SOURCE: Rys, D. (2018) New Study Shows Close Relationship Between Social Media & Music
Facebook page: Music Psychology Research
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