Nothing conclusive on Converge, SpaceX partnership

Converge ICT Solutions, Inc. clarified “it is still very premature to talk about a possible partnership” with Elon Musk’s Space Exploration Technologies Corp. (SpaceX) for the possible development of a broadband satellite internet.

This, after reports indicated a partnership between Converge and SpaceX.

In a statement, Converge noted: “Converge Information Communications Technology Solutions Inc. wishes to clarify that the Company is always looking for new technologies to bring high-speed internet services to the broadest number of Filipinos.”

It said the “latest satellite technologies, including that of Space Exploration Technologies Corp. (SpaceX), are among those new technologies being explored by Converge to bring high-speed broadband to far-flung areas in the country.”“Converge assures the Exchange and its investors that it will promptly make the necessary disclosures should there be any material developments in its exploratory talks with possible partners,” the statement added.

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