Testing the waters, rekindling the flames

There will come a point in our lives wherein we have to try something new, however threatening it may be. We are so afraid to tread on unchartered territory, because we have become so accustomed to the world we have created for ourselves. We just want to stay cooped up in our respective comfort zones, somewhere we know we can survive and thrive.

The only thing constant in this world is change, but somehow, we fail to acknowledge this fact. We neglect to see that the world around us is ever-changing, because we choose to be where we are. We choose to be stuck in one corner, so afraid to move and be sidetracked… so afraid to fail.

But what is the challenge in that?

What if one day, something very important has been taken away from you, rendering you helpless? What if you have no choice but to embrace something unfamiliar, something unknown… something foreign?

Deep within you, you refuse to be swayed by this change. You disallow any adjustment needed to cope up with the given situation. You reject the very thought of veering away from something well-known to you.

No alterations, no transformations. No change. Little by little, the hopelessness of it all sets in until it becomes so massive that you lose all sense of control in your life.

Yes to despair, yes to misery, yes to dejection. You welcome all that is gloomy, all that is unhappy. But where does that leave you?

The reality of treading unchartered waters now becomes very appealing, because you have exhausted all your choices. Friends may tell you there’s still hope for you, and you know that there is an option out there, just waiting for you.
Grab it, while you can. This choice may pose as a challenge, but that is where it becomes satisfying. When you welcome a challenge and you overcome it, what waits for you at the other side of that river you’ve been dreading to cross is nothing but fulfillment.

Nothing is wrong with embracing the past – even if that past has hurt you. You may have kept it in the back drawer of your mind, never wanting to open old wounds, never wanting to hurt, again.

However, there are past flames that can be rekindled. Some things may have changed between you, some events may have transpired to make you a different person from the one in your past. These differences happened because you needed to change, to become a better version of yourself.

What’s important is that deep inside, you still feel the same; that you still have it in you to fan the flames and keep the fire burning, constantly.

Keep an open mind and an open heart, and everything will fall into place.

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