Youth among the top priority of Vegafria when elected as Olongapo Mayor

Olongapo City – Mayoralty candidate- businessman and Manager ng Bayan Arnold L. Vegafria believe that today’s youth will eventually turn out to be very good leaders, especially if they are brought up with good character, decency and excellent core values. That’s why he made it clear that the youth will always take top priority in my political agenda.

Vegafria airs these concerns during his community forum intended for the youth sector at the Palace Hotel on Thursday March 13, 2025.

Vegafria shared his plan to build a “modern Olongapo City,” equipped with all the modern facilities, infrastructures and technology that will make this city progressive and at par with all the progressive cities all across our country.

He believes that the strategic location of Olongapo city, added with its beautiful natural resources and scenic destinations, will make it a bustling tourist destination once again, and will attract lots of tourists as well as foreign investors.

Among his platforms are economic recovery, job generation, tourism industry redevelopment, economic zones, youth empowerment, education, sports development,arts and culture development, education, mental health awareness and youth centered slate.

Vegafria’s primary goal is bringing back the glory of Olongapo City as a world renowned ‘entertainment capital,’ similar to what Las Vegas represents in the United States.

Among his infrastructure plans is the building of an international convention center near Barangay Barretto. This should be the perfect venue for business meetings, product launches and other major business events.

We will also fast track the establishment of facilities such as hotels, staycation facilities, casinos, bars, clubs, music clubs, concert halls, restaurants, theaters and other attractions he said.

Three of the city’s major streets, namely Magsaysay Drive, Rizal Avenue and Barretto, serve as major arteries. As part of our urban development plans, he will transform these major avenues to help decongest traffic in the area. In addition to all these urban redevelopment plans, we are proposing a viable solution for the growing traffic problem along our major roads, specifically along Magsaysay Drive Vegafria said.

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