Clark body grants employees bonuses, free swab tests ahead of holidays

CLARK FREEPORT — Some 114 employees of the state-run Clark International Airport Corp. will receive their year-end bonuses and cash gifts today, November 16.

CIAC President Aaron Aquino said he directed the immediate release of the employees’ bonuses equivalent to a month’s salary plus a P5,000 cash gift each as the holiday shopping season nears.

“This is our gesture of empathy for our employees, that they’ll be able to enjoy the year-end fruits of their labor and still appreciate the spirit of the Yuletide season even during this pandemic,” Aquino said.

With the much awaited incentive granted, Aquino also reminded employees to ensure strict safety measures against COVID-19 infection especially during holiday shopping with the attendant crowd.

The release of bonuses is mandated by the National Budget Circular 579 issued in January this year by the Department of Budget and Management.

Meanwhile, Aquino announced that starting November 17, all CIAC employees will undergo free Polymerase chain reaction tests to help in curbing the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace.

The free swab tests this week will be the first to be conducted on a quarterly basis, Aquino added.

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