“MORE THAN a year ago, none of us could have imagined how our world — and…
Category: Columns
Music and Exercise at SFI’s Clinical Department:
Clinical Department Manager of Sobriety Foundation, Inc., Dennis Dyoco, together with Music Psychology Center, regularly conducts…
“Reaping the Fruits of Genuine Public Service” -Chevalier School PTA, Alumni send Appreciation Plaques to Angeles City LGU, media
FOR THEIR recent contribution to the welfare of students and teachers of Chevalier School, the Sacred…
Self Loving Kindness Meditation
"I enrolled in this course to deepen my meditation practice.and to widen my understanding. Thus, I…
“You never abandoned us”-Chevalier School PTA, Alumni to present Appreciation Plaques to Angeles City-LGU, media
IN HONOR of the valuable support in upholding the Chevalier School students’ right to education, continued…
Public School Teachers’ Home in School
THE INTERNATIONAL Labour Organization (ILO) has underscored the role of teachers in the development of effective…
Music-Enhanced Therapy for Stress and Anxiety
Stress and anxiety are mental health conditions in which people suffer from the inability to relax…
Babagannouj, is a mezze (hors d’ouerve), famous to Middle Easterners. It is served as an appetizer…
MPC and SFI Consortium on Music-Enhanced Therapy
Music Psychology Center (MPC) and Sobriety Foundation, Inc. (SFI) are innovators in conducting Music-Enhanced Therapy for…
As Delta Cases Soar, Angelenos Must Keep Face Masks Firmly On
AS THE Delta variant spreads, Angeles City Mayor Carmelo ‘Pogi’ G. Lazatin Jr. reminded all Angelenos…