Ownership and Operations of Drones

"In an era where unmanned aerial vehicles, commonly known as drones, have become ubiquitous across various…

The power giver spots

TAKING me to the power spots in different regions in Japan is one of the many things…

Good Morning Hard Working People!

Herrie Raymond Rivera has a 30-year experience as HR practitioner, motivational speaker, writer, social entrepreneur, community…

Of Subic ‘Good Governance’

Aliño with his business savvy is expected to further push development in the Subic Freeport. “There…

‘Best Family Hotel’

If any, the awards that Quest Plus Conference Center Clark had received speak for itself and…


"No books, no complicated instruments,in the highest regard for the natural laws of nature and our…

New Year’s Resolutions: Navigating the Rollercoaster of Change

Welcome to another trip around the sun, dear readers! As the calendar flips to a fresh…

Embracing Janus: A New Year Reflection on why January is named after a two-faced god

In Roman mythology, Janus is depicted as a god with two faces, one looking forward and…

Fellowship for Clark

"Whence this syllogism has become a personal article of faith, a pledge of commitment: Mahal ako ni…

A Review on the Phenomenological Study on Bach for Anxiety: Music Psychology Center

The Music Psychology Center-MPC, located in Angeles City has utilized classical music, specifically Johann Sebastian Bach's…

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