MCC-Institute of Arts and Sciences hosts talk on global peace education

In support to peace education among academic institutions, the Mabalacat City College – Institute of Arts and Sciences (MCC- IAS) hosted a three-hour forum on nurturing the seeds of peace in a global perspective, Tuesday, at the college’s Cultural Hall.

MCC President Carmelita P. Sotto welcomed the distinguished peace educators in the name of University of Alberta Professor Emeritus Toh Swee-Hin Ph.D. who was a recipient of UNESCO Prize for Peace Education in 2000 and Dr. Virginia Cawagas, adjunct professor of University of Alberta and former professor in Peace Education at the United Nations Mandated University for Peace in Costa Rica. A parallel session with UNESCO student officers was facilitated by Prof. Rene Romero of MCC.

“This talk is for us to realize that we are not just citizens of our respective countries but of the world. Growth and progress must not be exclusive but inclusive. Hence, we should promote respect of culture, tolerance,human rights, diversity, and peace. We have to work out for an education that shall not only save a particular collective but the whole world per se,” IAS Dean Raymond Vergara said.

MCC vows to be one in movement of empowering learners of all ages in the formation of peace communities through global citizenship education.

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