National Children’s Book Reading Day

The National Children’s Book Reading Day (NCBRD) is an annual celebration held every third Tuesday of July in commemoration of the publication of Jose Rizal’s rendition of the “Monkey and the Turtle” found in the July 1889 issue of Trubner’s Oriental Record in London. NCBD promotes the development of children literature and inculcates in them the love and joy of reading books at an early age. Its themes have messages that characterize books to children as friends, companions, playmates, and as a means of achieving their dreams, among others.

SM City Clark recently celebrated the NCBRD, in partnership with the Department of Education (DepEd), Vibal Publishing, National Bookstore, Anvil Publishing & SM Foundation, 50 pupils of Malabanias Elementary School have been chosen as one of the mall’s beneficiaries. They each received a book, pencils, and notebook.

DepEd Angeles, represented by Ms. Rita P. Bundalian, English Division Coordinator, has accepted 50 additional books, which were donated by generous partners through Vibal Publishing. It was handed over by Engr. RonaldoT. Abrazado, Asst. Mall Manager together with Rachel Hipolito, Marketing Manager of SM City Clark.

DJ KG Magtoto, professor and radio personality, was a brilliant storyteller on the said event.

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