135 illegal drug pushers, users yield in Mabalacat


A total of 135 drug personalities from four barangays here have recently surrendered to police and local authorities as the Philippine National Police intensifies “Oplan Tokhang.”
Tokhang (Toktok-Hangyo) is a Visayan term for knock-knock (toktok) and negotiate (hangyo).

“This Oplan is part of the PNP’s Project Double Barrel against illegal drugs. Ang Phase 1 ay ang pagkatok sa kanilang mga tahanan na susundan ng Phase 2 which is the ‘high value target’ na under ang monitoring, buy-bust operations at arrest warrant para sa mga hindi pa sumu-surrender,” Mabalacat Police Chief Inspector Gil A. Domingo said.

Domingo added that these persons claiming to be pushers and users of illegal drugs are residents of Barangay Atlu-Bola, San Francisco, Sta. Maria and Camachiles.

Mabalacat City Mayor Marino “Boking” Morales has called on parents of illegal drug users and pushers to assist their family members in giving up to authorities.

“Those who will surrender will be treated well and we will make them productive members of the society,” said Morales, who has vowed to support the campaign of President Rodrigo Duterte against illegal drugs.

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