Romero opposes ‘mandatory hiring’ of security guards

Pampanga businessman Rene Romero has opposed the proposed ordinance in the City of San Fernando LGU that will require business establishments with P3 million capital to “hire and post” security guards amid the alleged surge in crime that targeted businesses.

CSF councilors had been reportedly preparing to discuss a proposed ordinance requiring “all business establishments in the City of San Fernando, Pampanga, to hire and post security guard personnel, in their place of business as conditions for the issuance of Mayor’s Permit.”

The ordinance sponsored by CSF Councilor Reden Halili is known as the “Mandatory Hiring and Posting of Security Guard Personnel to All Business Establishments in the City of San Fernando, Pampanga.”

Those who will fail to hire the services of security guards will be meted penalties, based on the proposed ordinance.

The proposed ordinance noted the CSF LGU in line with its Peace and Order and Public Safety (POPS) Plan, “seeks to maintain peace and order and public safety as a strategic factor to achieve economic progress and safety of people and environment.”

It said the “designation of licensed security personnel is a deterrent to the commission of crimes in business establishments and will help maintain peace and order and/or apprehension of law violators and preserve life and property.”

The proposed ordinance further indicated “it shall apply to business establishments with P3,000,000 or more in capital like specialty stores, facilities, restaurants, gasoline stations, airline offices, hospitals, hardware, grocery and dry goods stores, computer and cellphone shops, interest shops, homestays, resorts and other high-risk areas including, educational, industrial, and manufacturing establishments within the territorial jurisdiction of the City of San Fernando, Pampanga.

In a message to Councilor Halili, Romero has expressed his opposition to the passage of the proposed ordinance requiring businesses to engage the services of the security guards because it is “detrimental to business” development.

“I would like to express my opposition to the proposed ordinance that suggests requiring businesses to engage security guards. While I acknowledge the intention behind this proposal, I believe it places an extra burden on micro and small businesses,” said Romero.

Romero said that it is the “responsibility of the Philippines National Police and local government to ensure security and order in the community, rather than shifting this responsibility onto business owners. I’m of the opinion that even the national government does not enforce such regulations.”

Romero added “businesses should have the freedom to make decisions about their operations without external mandates. The use of security guards as an additional precaution might only be relevant for high-risk businesses, which is the current situation.”

“If this ordinance were to become local law, it could hinder the growth of micro and small businesses in the city, potentially discouraging job creation for our fellow residents. The potential costs linked to this ordinance could also adversely affect the business environment,” said Romero.

Romero has encouraged Councilor Halili “to prevent the passage of this ordinance. From my perspective, it might be seen as detrimental to businesses. Together, let’s work towards making our city the most attractive investment destination in the country.”

Romero reiterated the proposed ordinance is not necessary, given that the majority of large enterprises presently employ their own security personnel.

He reasoned out that “business proprietors are best positioned to determine the necessity of additional security measures for their establishments. It’s worth noting that several major corporations enlist the expertise of security professionals to conduct thorough assessments.”

“It would be prudent to entrust business owners with the discretion to assess their security requirements. Our primary objective should be fostering collaboration and partnerships that ensure the security of both enterprises and the entire community.”

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