Sex and politics

It maybe morally repugnant and a direct affront to women in case the congressional committee will proceed in showing the sex video where allegedly Senator Leila De Lima was copulating with a partner. Assuming it is De Lima in the video which many doubts it is the senator, what about the male partner’s right to privacy? In case it is not the senator and her alleged lover Ronnie Dayan in that video, the rights of the couple are clearly violated. How will the couple defend themselves? From a congressional committee that overstepped the moral boundaries.

Few instances where congress acknowledge an error, because the congressmen assembled in a committee are not expected to come up with an explanation for their actions and statements. Furthermore, many of them lack the willingness to accept responsibility.

In the committee hearing chaired by Congressman Reynaldo Umali, though exercising the inherent power vested by the rules, it should move with caution particularly when it prick the sensibilities of people specially the ranks of women.

I’m no fan of Senator De Lima because of her many inconsistencies and not giving President Duterte the time honored tradition of giving one hundred day honeymoon for a newly minted president. She on the first day of Duterte in Malacanang she had her guns blazing pointed to former mayor of Davao City.

Mischievousness is being practiced now it seems in both senate and the lower house than they ever been. And us the constituency, simply cannot ignore or pass on this inappropriateness, though in so many countries sex and politics do mix.

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