Moncada regulates use of non-biodegradable plastic materials

MONCADA, Tarlac — Municipal government of Moncada has passed an ordinance regulating the use of non-biodegradable plastic bags in the public market and all establishments.

Mayor Estelita Aquino said Municipal Ordinance No. 01 series of 2019 aims to reduce the use of non-biodegradable plastic bags and similar materials that clog canals, creeks, rivers and other waterways when indiscriminately disposed causing flood during the rainy season. 

“The regulation of non-biodegradable plastic materials and the eventual prohibition of the use, sale and provision of such is for the health, safety and welfare of the people of Moncada,” Aquino stressed. 

She urged ambulant vendors, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and large-scale businesses to adhere to the ordinance and use any alternative legally compliant materials for customers instead of non-biodegradable materials and styrofoam. 

She also encourage all business establishments to adopt the “Bring Your Own Bag” Program.

“The use of alternative materials such as reusable woven bags (bayong), cloth bags, rattan baskets and shopping bags made from recycled waste paper and other bags made out of biodegradable materials are highly encouraged and promoted,” she noted. 

Ambulant vendors who will violate said ordinance will be warned or reprimand for the first offense, will be fined with PhP100 for the second offense and confiscation of goods for the third offense. 

“For SMEs, there will be a PhP200 fine for first offense, PhP500 for second offense and PhP1,000 for the third offense including the suspension of business permit to operate for two weeks,” Aquino stated. 

Large-scale businesses will be fined with PhP1,000 and suspension of business permit to operate for one month for the first offense; second offense will be meted with PhP2,000 fine and suspension of the business permit to operate for six months; and a PhP2,500 fine and a case filed in court for the third offense.

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