AC LGU conducts tree planting in Sapangbato watershed

ANGELES CITY – The local government here has spearheaded a tree planting activity at the Angeles…

EcoWaste Coalition bares lead paint hazard in some children’s bicycles

EcoWaste Coalition has rung the alarm bell to warn consumers, especially parents and their young ones, to…

EcoWaste Coalition Warns against use of toxic adhesive for artificial nails

The EcoWaste Coalition has cautioned consumers against purchase and use of an artificial nail kit with a…

Green groups want gov’t to prevent release of POPs

Environmental health groups today urged national and local authorities to give priority to zero waste strategies…

EcoWaste Coalition supports FDA’s action vs. cyanide-laced silver jewelry cleaners

The toxics watchdog group EcoWaste Coalition has thrown its support behind the government’s renewed drive to…

Bataan youth group joins Earth Day mangrove planting

The Young Bataenos Environmental Advocacy Network (Young BEAN) and a fishermen’s group have planted mangrove trees along the coastal…

Green groups seek IATF nod for waste workers’ Inclusion in COVID-19 vaccine priority list

Several green groups insisted the unsung environmental frontliners, particularly waste workers, must also be considered as a…

Green groups to faithfuls: ‘Give Mother Earth a breather from garbage this Holy Week’

Two pro-environment organizations prodded the faithful to give Mother Earth a breather from garbage as the Holy Week is…

Million Trees Foundation saving country’s watersheds

MANILA – One noble project considered as a legacy of President Rodrigo Duterte is the establishment of…

DENR, Police partner for greening program in Tarlac

TARLAC CITY — Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and Tarlac Police Provincial Office partnered…

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