
SO, THE AUTHORITIES have thought of adopting measures to size up the threat of COVID 19 via an extension of the enhanced community quarantine for another thirty (30) days or up to May 2020.

This is for the Inter Agency Task Force to decide as to the extension of the Enhanced Community Quarantine necessitating the partial or total lockdown of the island of Luzon. This, in order to contain and prevent the spread of the disease.

Several places have already confirmed the presence of persons under investigation and persons under monitoring. Several sites have been identified and put to use to house these individuals suspected of having the symptoms of the dreaded disease.

The national government meanwhile has adopted some stopgap measures to alleviate the burden on citizens who have been forced to stop working and stay home: the daily wage earners, the pedicab and tricycle drivers and other public utility vehicle drivers. Some financial packages have been designed to bridge their financial requirements while the threat is alive and festering.

The most developed countries are running against time to develop the cure-all vaccine versus COVID 19. It is hoped that it becomes effective soon and stop the threat altogether. Billions of euros and dollars have been earmarked for use top combat the threat head-on and the leaders of these nations are not stopping in their efforts to come up with the very effective solutions.

*    *    *The Departments of Health and Social Welfare and Development are very visible nowadays in leading the government’s drive towards battling the disease known as COVID 19, which has become the most decisive game changer ever. It has stopped the stressful traffic congestions at EDSA which have persisted despite the various traffic schemes implemented thus far. The Enhanced Community Quarantine has somehow contributed immensely in solving the traffic crisis in the major thoroughfares in the country. Only COVID 19 has stopped the traffic problems.

*    *    *On the matter of relief goods distribution, disparity arose in several areas of the country. Some cities and municipalities have resorted to distributing relief packages once weekly, while the more affluent ones continue to distribute theirs continuously with financial assistance to boot.
Gapan, a municipality in Nueva Ecija, it seems leads other cities and municipalities in the fair distribution of relief packages: one sack of rice, one half kilo.of chicken and other useful items. Its mayor spends his own money and even borrowed funds from his father to carry out the generous act. Other cities and municipalities should emulate the act of the mayor of Gapan for his generosity and magnanimity!

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