PHLPost distributes PRC cash assistance to Mayon evacuees

The Philippine Postal Corporation (PHLPost) has distributed cash assistance to families affected by Mayon Volcano eruptions in Sto. Domingo, Albay to complement the Philippine Red Cross (PRC) humanitarian response to aid their recovery.

A total of 2,813 families were served and P8,439,000.00 million pesos was distributed during its 2-day payout activity from March 9-10 to families living within the volcano’s permanent danger zone which have taken temporary shelter in evacuation areas.

To ensure that funds are dispensed properly by PHLPost employees, the Red Rose system platform was used for quick and secure disbursement of funds provided by Philippine Red Cross. It cuts down the time of registration as well as improving the delivery time for assistance to beneficiaries.

Beforehand, the recipients were given a Beneficiary card with QR code to be scanned by the Red Cross volunteer for easy verification.

Government and private humanitarian agencies such as the United Nations (UN)-World Food Program, the DSWD -Door-to-Door Delivery of Social Pension for the Indigent Senior Citizens Program, Save the Children, Inc. in the southern part of the Philippines and the international non-profit organization Oxford Committee for Famine Relief (OXFAM) recognizes the role of the postal service to distribute cash grants and payout services using its facilities in far flung areas especially during calamities and disasters.

“With the dedication of our PHLPost employees, we can bridge the gap to deliver assistance extended by generous agencies”, Postmaster General Joel Otarra said.

The Philippine Postal Corporation (PHLPost) are now strengthening its partnership with government and private institutions not only to deliver mail services, parcels and various goods but also to serve as the catalyst towards alleviating the economic conditions of the people in the countryside.

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