Rep. Roman’s SUCs scholars raise money for Orion fire victims

ORANI, Bataan – A total of P7,355.25 were raised this morning from cash money donations of Bataan First District Congresswoman Geraldine Roman’s SUCs (state universities and colleges) scholars from various towns of her district.

The noble effort was done during the Orientation and Cash Refund of CHED SUCs Tulong Dunong Program at the Orani Multi-Purpose Gym here.

Roman said she will add a certain amount to buy hundreds of grocery packs to be distributed soon to Orion evacuees.

“I am overwhelmed by their show of generosity and solidarity of the First District SUCs scholars because I just asked them for 5 pesos but these students have proven to me that millennials also think of others and not just about themselves. They have donated generously, some even gave P100 from their own pockets. I want to thank them, this gives me great hope for the future of our country,” Congresswoman Roman told mediamen in an interview.

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