‘Support in war on drugs’: Duterte

LAUR, Nueva Ecija — President Rodrigo R. Duterte encouraged Wednesday all Filipinos to actively participate in nation-building by supporting the government’s campaign against illegal drugs.

In his speech during the Inauguration of the Moscati Meadows Residential Treatment Facilities, he stressed the blossoming of criminals globally and the country’s global war against drugs.

“With our firm commitment and solidarity in this important fight, I have no doubt that we will be able to rebuild and strengthen families that were once threatened by this menace,” he explained.

According to Duterte, three million Filipinos are rendered slaves to a drug called shabu.

“Three million addicts is no joke to me. And when their brain shrinks, they are reduced to inutility. So for intents and purposes, they cease to exist and be productive thus destroying a family and creating a social problem,” he stated.

Meanwhile, the President reiterated his target of eradicating illegal drugs in his time.

“My soldiers and my police, we are ready to meet the challenge. I have said to the military (and police) to finish this (drug problem) in my term. I will assume full legal responsibility for whatever it is,” he noted.

Moreover, he emphasized the government’s intensified efforts in ensuring a safe and progressive future for all Filipinos, especially the youth.

“Together, let us keep our communities and our country safe, secure and peaceful,” he added.

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