Embraer appoints​ ​SIA Engineering as ​e​-​j​ets ​a​uthorized ​s​ervice ​c​enter in the Philippines

Embraer has appointed SIA Engineering (Philippines) Corporation (SIAEP), a subsidiary of SIA Engineering Company Limited (SIAEC), as an E-Jets authorized service center.

Embraer’s E-Jets family of commercial jets consists of the E170, E175, E190 and E195 aircraft.

“The appointment of SIAEP as an authorized E-Jets service center in the region is a result of our commitment to enhance our services and support solutions to E-Jets operators in Asia Pacific,” said Johann Bordais, president &eEO of Embraer Services & Support.

“SIAEP has demonstrated their capability and expertise in aircraft maintenance. Given their experience, we believe that E-Jets operators will see value in their proposition,” Bordais said.

SIAEC’s Executive Vice President Operations, Ivan Neo said: “SIAEP’s appointment as Embraer’s authorized service center will strengthen its position and enhance its capabilities as the maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) center focusing on aircraft in the region. This is part of SIAEC Group’s strategy to increase our overall capabilities, which will expand our customer base and offer competitive solutions to E-Jets operators in Asia Pacific.”

MervynSirisena, Chairman of SIAEP, said: “SIAEP is pleased to be working with Embraer, a world-leading manufacturer of commercial jets. As Embraer’s authorized service center for the E-Jets in Asia Pacific, SIAEP is well-positioned to serve airlines and operators in the region with its capabilities and service offerings, which are augmented by SIAEC’s wide experience in handling the latest-generation aircraft for leading airlines around the world.”

Embraer has a global fleet of 1,300 E-Jets, operated by 70 airlines in 50 countries. There are around 150 E-Jets operating in Asia Pacific and China.

Based in Clark, The Philippines, SIAEP is a joint venture between SIAEC and Cebu Air, Inc.

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